Thank you for visiting my carrd! I'm Tsukkiusa, a freelance illustrator and game sprite artists! Here you can find info about my commisions and portofolio. Please have fun and look around!
Illustrations I have done in past and available on my Twitter and Pixiv
personal commissions
Accepting personal request such use as social media icon, phone and PC wallpaper, anything that are not gaining any profit.
Please note that:
> On this commission you already have the character design drawn before. I will only receive character sheet for reference
> Assembled reference from various source without a picture of the character in whole is counted as character designCommission flow:
1. I will look at the reference first and let you know my final price.
2. If we have a deal, I will give you sketch to approve then give you invoice. Progress will be done after I confirmed the payment.
3. The payment must be 100% in front if it less than €300. if It more, you can pay 70% first and the rest could be paid when the illustration finished.
4. Maximum 2 big revision, such as changing pose or hair after acc.
5. No revisions after you approved the update. For example you can't ask revision on pose when I already on coloring. But if it possible I am open for improvement suggestions.
6. I will send the files via e-mail or Gigafile
PAyment methods

> この依頼では、キャラクターデザインはすでに描かれています。キャラクターシートは参考までにお渡しします.
> キャラクターの全体像が只今いない、さまざまな資料の組み合わせもキャラクターデザインとして扱っています.リクエストの流れ:
1. まずよいしたの資料を見ます、そのあと最終的な価格をお知らせします。
2. もし商談が成立した場合、スケッチを渡して承認してもらい、請求書を渡します。ちゃんと支払いが受け取りましたと確認した後、直ぐに作業を進みます。
3. 4万円以下の場合は100%前払いでお願いします. 4万円以上の場合は70%と30%に分割して支払うことが可能です。
5. 更新を承認した後の修正は受け取り出来ません。お分かりいただけると助かります。もちろん多少なフィードバックなど受付ます。
PAyment methods

Fullbody size
€135 [145$] /character

Bust Up size
€85 [92$] /character

Halfbody size
€100 [107$] /character

Chibi Illustration
€45 [50$] /character

commercial projects
Commercial use of the Illustration option is available! Please discuss with me more about your project directly via e-mail. Some examples for commercial use are:
> Monetized Youtube channel
> Profitable Game, Novel, Manga, Goods assets
> Character Design
> Vtuber Model, Cover Illustration, etcNon-Fungible Token (NFT) is strictly prohibited. None of my art is allowed to be put on NFT.
イラストレーションオプションの商用利用が可能です。 詳しくはメールで直接ご相談ください。商業利用の例としてはこちらになります:
> 収益化されたYoutubeチャンネル
> キャラクターデザイン
> Vtuberモデル
>歌ってみたイラストNon-Fungible Token (NFT)の使用は厳禁です。私の作品をNFTに載せることは一切禁止されています。
Indie PNGtuber Design/Model
€300 [320$] /character
PNCtuber モデルデザイン
> Design
> Halfbody + 3 expressions &
> Commercial right
> Not ready for rigging (body parts are all intact)
note that:
> Character sheet is NOT included** TERMS & CONDITIONS:**
> Reference material only OK
> NOT for existing IP (game/manga/anime character)
> NOT for under agency vtuber
> Commercial fee only for use in monetized channel, etc. NOT for resell or goods. using design for commission other artist is OK
>Payment 70% upront, the rest is after completion
Iinvolved projects
Sprites artist for Infinite Blue developed by Velvet Fox Gaming